Friday, January 28, 2022

Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication

 Food security, as defined by the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life

We have started this initiative to help New Zealanders by providing Food Parcels at their doorsteps through Community Awareness and Preparedness Grant Fund (CAPGF) received from Ministry of Social Development. The aim of this project is to protect and support New Zealanders while staying safe at homes during COVID-19. 

Our initiative helped communities by receiving food parcels and also contributed in promoting the social distancing and slowing the spread. 

HOPE's team of volunteers designed Survival Package and planned to provide / deliver Food Parcels during COVID-19 lock down. 

This has contributed in many ways and helped our wider community/recipients families. This has also contributed in minimizing the risk of transmitting COVID-19. Food Parcels has enhanced emotional well-being of families and they felt more empowered, supported and secured of having enough food. Targeted population includes of solo parents, elderly people with disabilities, and families with young children, low budget and this has boosted their confidence to stay with their children. 

We have supported people those could not drive because of health reason, self isolation, fear of contracting infection, less food at home, or cannot access their cultural food. Providing food through CAPGF at their door step contributed towards reducing stress and worries. 

HOPE is pleased to share that we got an opportunity to work with different community based and non-governmental organizations. We have supported diverse group of people and communities to ensure the needs of food for affected population are met. ACTION AGAINST COVID-19 Helping communities to slow the spread and stay safe F

Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication


“Empowering the Marginalized” 

To promote inclusive society enabling every individual to enjoy basic human rights irrespective of gender, race or religion. 


HOPE’s mission is to promote and safeguard the fundamental human rights of vulnerable groups including migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in New Zealand and in the wider-world, whose lives have been traumatized by disasters, poverty, persecution or discrimination. 


“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute”: Proverbs 31:8. HOPE seeks to go beyond addressing the consequences of poverty by understanding the context, challenging the status que and making and effort to bring positive change in the circumstances and the environment that root cause the poverty and exclusion.


HOPE is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization, Incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and a Registered Charity under the Charities Act 2005 in New Zealand. HOPE is a faith-based Humanitarian Organization working towards Poverty Eradication. The organization works to empower the marginalized and deprived communities enabling them to fight for their rights and support them through providing opportunities, advocacy and empowering to become effective part of the society.

HOPE has strive to help communities to realize their best potential by providing economic, social ,moral and financial assistance. We provide practical support and psycho-social assistance to vulnerable people, foster connections between communities, and educate the wider community of the needs, strengths and aspirations of these groups.

HOPE provides funds to organize activities, workshops, awareness sessions and projects which directly or indirectly contribute towards eliminating humanitarian sufferings and provide relief to the affected communities in line with the organization's aims and objectives. 

HOPE will continue its ongoing charitable activities while striving to find and support new opportunities and venues. HOPE will target its activities towards advancement in education, poverty alleviation, human and civic rights advocacy and awareness, through participatory approach and community development leading towards safer and healthier society.